Uni:docs Fellow Ria-Maria Adams stellt sich vor


Ria-Maria Adams ist Doktorandin am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie und seit Oktober uni:docs Fellow der Universität Wien. In einem kurzen Interview stellst sich Ria-Maria Adams vor.

  • Sie forschen zum Thema The ´Finlandization´ of Migrated Youth: An Anthropological Approach to Cultural Adaptation Processes of Migrated Youth in Finnish Lapland. Beschreiben Sie Ihr Forschungsprojekt in drei Sätzen.

My dissertation addresses the challenges and strategies of cultural identity forming processes in Finnish Lapland from the perspective of immigrated youth, aged between thirteen and sixteen. The shared experiences of inclusion and exclusion into the local community are central elements of this dissertation and will become apparent by applying child- centred qualitative research methods. Including the voices of youth to research is of significance for the outcome, as is the examination of how identities are being formed.

  • Was war für Sie die größte Herausforderung bei der uni:docs Bewerbung und wer hat Sie dabei besonders unterstützt?

Summarizing theory, methods and anticipated results into a concept of only a few pages was challenging as it required choosing carefully the content of each sentence. I am grateful for friends in academia who are at a more advanced stage and were willing to contribute with their comments and suggestions to the positive outcome of this application.

  • Zum Abschluss noch eine persönliche Frage: Wann stand für Sie fest, eine wissenschaftliche Karriere einzuschlagen. Gab es Schlüsselerlebnisse?

It was the desire to understand social connections, networks and transnational interactions that led me to study anthropology. The curiosity and sincere interest in understanding the internal logic of different cultures has not diminished and continues to be an impetus to contribute to scientific knowledge.

  • Zur Person

Ria was born in Finland and raised in Austria. After spending five years living and working in Bangladesh, she moved to Vienna to study Social and Cultural Anthropology. She graduated from the University of Vienna with a Master´s degree in February 2017 and continued at the Faculty of Social Sciences as a PhD student. Before starting as an uni:docs fellow, she worked at the University of Lapland as a junior researcher by contributing to the project: : ´Live, Work or Leave? Youth – wellbeing and the viability of (post) extractive Arctic industrial cities in Finland and Russia´.