Proof of German/English knowledge
In order to be able to complete a doctoral program at the University of Vienna, in addition to subject-specific language skills, sufficient knowledge of German and/or English, usually at level C1, is required. On the one hand, this allows you to communicate within your academic community and, on the other hand, enables you to complete courses to fulfill the curriculum or any stipulations.
We therefore strongly recommend that you submit proof of your German or English language proficiency at the time of application. Please explicitly list your various language skills in your CV and upload any existing language certificates.
It is also advisable to discuss the language skills required for your studies with your future supervisor before submitting your application.
Your language proficiency will be evaluated as part of the content review of your application. If your language skills are insufficient, your application will be rejected.
German knowledge
There are two alternatives for the requirement of German knowledge:
Proof of German knowledge for programmes held entirely in German
Application: At least one A2 certificate must be uploaded when applying for admission to a German-language degree program (see "Recognized German certificates A2"). Applications without proof are inadmissible and will be rejected. (Verordnung des Rektorats zum Sprachlevel zum Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung auf Zulassung zum Studium, Mitteilungsblatt vom 19.12.2019, 6. Stück, Nr. 29)
Admission: For doctoral studies where the language of instruction is German (list), knowledge of German at level C1 is required for admission: (Verordnung des Rektorats zum Sprachlevel bei der Zulassung zum Studium, Mitteilungsblatt vom 14.12.2023,5. Stück, Nr. 27)
The following options are available for proof of C1:
For direct admission as a regular student to a German-language degree programme, you need a language certificate or proof corresponding to the "Anerkannte Deutschnachweise C1" listed below. Please note that only certificates from the listed institutions will be accepted.
If you are unable to provide a language certificate at level C1, you must take a supplementary examination at Vorstudienlehrgang (VWU). Register for the German course during the registration period of the VWU and present the confirmation at the doctoral admissions office of the University of Vienna. After verification of your identity and your diplomas (uploaded in u:space), you will be enrolled as an associate student at the University of Vienna. After successfully completing the supplementary examination, you will be admitted as a regular student upon application.
Exception: For the following German-language degree programs, a language certificate at level C1 is currently not required and a language certificate at level B2 is required instead: List
Proof of German knowledge is required in the admission letter
If you have not uploaded any proof of German language knowledge but it is required during the application process by the University of Vienna, the only way to get a language certificate, is at the VWU (Vorstudienlehrgang of the Viennese Universities). During this time you will be be enrolled as non-degree programme student at the University.
Please note that for registering at the VWU you need already a proof of German knowledge on level A2! If the German language proof is required but has not been uploaded, you will be contacted via e-mail and get the possibility to catch up on this within 4 weeks.
a) If you are in possession of a German certificate (at least on level A2) upload it within 4 weeks in u:space
b) If you have no proof of German knowledge the application will be rejected (and may be resubmitted at a later time)
Which certificates and types of proof are accepted?
Proof of German knowledge
English knowledge
If you have not provided proof of English language proficiency (uploaded in u:space) at the time of application, but it is necessary for your studies, you will be informed in writing by e-mail and given a 4-week grace period:
a) Proof of English available: can be uploaded to u:space within 4 weeks
b) Proof of English not available: the application will be rejected (of course, a new application can be submitted at a later date).
Proof of English knowledge:
Proof B2
- Secondary-school leaving certificate with successful graduation exam in the subject English. The following conditions apply:
- The secondary-school leaving certificate was completed at a school of an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
- If the level of English proficiency is not clearly evident in the certificate, a confirmation by the school administration may be demanded.
- "IB diploma" according to the regulations of the "International Baccalaureate Organization" with the subject English.
- Certificate of the supplementary examination in the subject English from the University Preparation Programme of an Austrian University.
- "Studienberechtigungszeugnis" from an Austrian university with a successfully completed examination in the subject English.
- Degree diploma and transcript of records/diploma supplement
- of a full-time degree programme of at least two years,
- taught entirely in English,
- at a university in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
These proofs are valid for an unlimited time.
Proof C1
- Degree diploma and transcript of records/diploma supplement
- of a full-time degree programme of at least two years,
- taught entirely in English,
- at a university in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
- English as first language.
- Proof of erudite language: secondary-school leaving certificate, if the certificate was awarded at an institution
- with English as the language of education
- in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
- These proofs are valid for an unlimited time.
Proof C2
Degree diploma and transcript of records/diploma supplement
- of a full-time degree programme of at least two years,
- taught entirely in English,
- at a university in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
- Degree diploma and transcript of records/diploma supplement
- of a completed degree programme,
- with English language specific courses,
- to the extent of at least 36 ECTS.
These proofs are valid for an unlimited time.
Certificates B2
- TOEFL: IBT (internet-based): 94 points or higher
- IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score: 6.5 points
- Cambridge English First Certificate (FCE): result level B2
- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE): result level B2
- Language Competency Examination at level B2 by a university language centre. The language centre has to be located at a university in an EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Canada.
These certificates may not be older than three years at the time of application.
Any of the above mentioned certificates at a higher level than B2, can also be accepted as proof of English language proficiency at level B2.
Certificates C1
- TOEFL: IBT (internet-based): 110 points or higher
- IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score: 8 (at least 7.5 per component)
- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE): Grade A
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): Grade C or higher
These proofs may not be older than three years at the time of application.
Certificates C2
- TOEFL: IBT (internet-based): 115 points or higher
- IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score: 8 or higher
- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE): Grade A
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): Grade C or higher
These proofs may not be older than three years at the time of application.
- Universities Act 2002 (UG), especially §§ 63, 64
- Decree: Decree by the Rectorate regarding the proof of English language proficiency required in the admission procedure (05.02.2025)
- For applications for admission until winter semester 2024/25 the following decree applies: Decree by the Rectorate regarding the proof of English language proficiency required in the admission procedure (17.12.2021)
- For applications for admission for the summer semester 2025 the following decree applies: Decree by the Rectorate regarding the proof of English language proficiency required in the admission procedure (23.10.2024)